A Taste of Spring

We had a beautiful couple weeks of sunshine and spring, but for all this week I’ve hardly seen the sky through the clouds and pouring rain. And now the weather people are threatening frost and even snow! In May?! So to bring a little sunshine back into our lives I decided to share a few images from this spring so far.

Sometimes I’m not certain whether spring has really arrived, or whether it’s just taunting me with hints of what’s to come. But once the magnolia starts throwing forth its abundant blossom there’s no more room for doubting.

(Photo taken at: 1/1600, f/1.8, ISO 100)

(Photo taken at: 1/1600, f/1.8, ISO 100)

(Photo taken at: 1/1250, f/1.8, ISO 100)

(Photo taken at: 1/1250, f/1.8, ISO 100)

Suddenly there’s colour and life in every direction…

More if you click here!…

Valentine’s Flowers

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Sometimes being surrounded by cards and red, pink and black fake lovey-dovey tackiness, as happens in my store, can become tiresome. This year however I had a lovely surprise!

I was at the till when, through the hub-bub of last minute sales, I caught my name being said. When I glanced up I saw my manager being handed a big bundle of printed brown paper. For me! I believe I may have squeaked in excitement.

I knew at once it was a Valentines surprise from my beautiful best friend, because she’s the kind of wonderful person who brightens my day on a regular basis. On closer inspection I discovered that it was a heart-shaped basket filled with growing pink hyacinths, and covered over with moss, like a tiny carry-around garden. I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that spring is my favourite season, and this is like being given a little piece of spring to put in my living room. The one spire of flowers that is partially open already smells divine.

(Photo taken at: 1/320, f/1.4, ISO 100)

This is how they were delivered. See? Carry-around garden!

(Photo taken at: 1/320, f/1.4, ISO 100)

And the little tin and basket they live in.

(Photo taken at: 1/160, f/1.4, ISO 100)


(Photo taken at: 1/80, f/1.4, ISO 400)

And here they are in their new home on my window sill.

Then, this afternoon, I went for an unplanned walk around the local garden centre.

There I found some new little friends who were too adorable to resist:

(Photo taken at: 1/160, f/1.4, ISO 400)

How perfect are they?!

Behind the little snail-rider you can almost make out my two tiny seedling Christmas trees. I planted them a little before Christmas, and at the rate they’re growing I’ll probably have trees that are a whole 3 inches tall by the time next Christmas is here. (note to self: re-pot tree seedlings tonight..)

I can’t help but grin to myself every time I walk through the living room and see this whole set-up. If you don’t have a friend like mine, go out and find one, I highly recommend it.