When the wind blew…

Down by the sea last month the weather was blustery, with wind strong enough to blow the spray sideways off the tops of the waves; whipping it into foamy froth reminiscent of bubble bath and sending it skyward until it reached us where we walked along the clifftops.


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Another day

I have no proper post for you today because I’m trying to avoid being a neglectful hostess. However, I’m determined to make it through a complete NaBloPoMo challenge this month, so here is a tidbit of my day… the sun setting over a field of snow.

Sun setting over a snowy field in the winter near Amersham

(Photo taken at: 1/3200, f/11, ISO 400)

 The snow covers colours, muffles sounds, and makes the world feel so quiet and peaceful.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…

After a mild winter, which gave us only one quick flurry of snow before Christmas, spring finally seemed to be on its way. Bulbs are appearing everywhere, there is blossom on choice trees, I’ve even seen lambs frolicking in fields. But no, winter hasn’t quite finished with us yet. Last night produced the first solid snow fall I’ve seen since last year’s cold spell.

A good 5 inches fell through the night, blanketing the town in a thick white layer that disguises everything. Snow on a Sunday is a beautiful thing. Most people are at home, no one bothers to leave the house unless they have to, or to build snowmen, so the snow stays white instead of turning into grey slush soup at the side of the roads.

wintery, snowy woods

(Photo taken at: 1/400, f/2.0, ISO 100)

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A little ray of sunshine…

This week has been cold.

So cold.

The first thing anyone says at the start of the conversation is, “It’s cold!”

But today I found an SD card full of photos from the winter, and what struck me was the amount of sun we seem to have had.

Eastbourne pier in winter sun

Eastbourne in November, as I sat and wrote…

Tea and teacake in an Eastbourne tearoom

And moved inside to bask in the indoor sun when it grew nippy.

The sun across the water, seen from the cliffs at Seaford

Seaford in January, wrapped up all warm.

Portrait with sun flare lighting the frame

And this Saturday.

As I cycle to work tomorrow, I shall pull my scarf up around my ears, put my head down and think of all the sun we’ve had, and the sun that is yet to come. Maybe it will help keep me warm!